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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to get a paper copy of the new survey?

Yes, you can access a PDF format version of the survey here.

How do I log into the survey?

You can find FAQs about logging into the survey and using the survey portal here.

What changes have occurred since the last survey?

Yes, there were changes from the 2022 survey.  We have continued efforts to reduce the burden of the survey on state DOT staff while asking enough questions to capture important practices of each state. If you would like to know more about the changes or the reasons for changes please contact ken@bikeleague.org.

What are the roles of agency staff and advocates in completing the survey?

In most states, agency staff fill out the survey with minimal interaction or help from advocates. However, in some states agency staff and advocates work together to gather the information for the survey and complete it. 

Our expectation is that agency staff will play a primary role in completing the survey and that advocates will provide support when questions require information that is not immediately available to the agency staff. Either agency staff or advocates should feel free to contact us with any questions at ken@bikeleague.org.

Can I access past surveys for my state?

Yes, please contact ken@bikeleague.org for a copy of any surveys completed from 2012-2021 in either PDF or Excel format.

If the survey is not completed, is a state still ranked?

Yes, all 50 states will still be ranked. League staff will complete unanswered surveys to the best of our ability to determine rankings. However, as state coordinators, bicycle advisory committee representatives or state bicycle advocates have a better understanding of the laws, policies and practices in their states, their surveys will be more complete and likely result in better rankings.

What does my state gain by filling out the survey?

The goal of the BFS℠ program is to recognize state actions that support bicycling and use them as models for the rest of the country. Rankings are used to allow states to see how they stack up nationally. Each state receives a report card that highlights areas to improve and our 5 Bicycle Friendly Actions, which the League believes every state should take to make bicycling safer. We are also happy to answer questions from state agencies, advocates, and citizens about the state of their state and what our data shows regarding areas of improvement or leading practices.

Please contact ken@bikeleague.org if you have any questions about best practices in state bicycling issues.

What process is used to determine the ranking?

Below is an example of our traditional process for determining the Bicycle Friendly State rankings.

  • Survey is opened: Invitations are send to state DOT and the statewide advocacy organization(s) (sAO)
  • Survey is submitted.
  • Fact checking and scoring: State advocacy organizations (or DOT if survey was submitted by a sAO). Suggested changes are shared with author of survey for review. Once all surveys are finalized, League staff apply scoring criteria to each survey.
  • Ranking and report cards developed: Based on weighted percentage of total available points, with input from state advocacy organizations
  • Report cards are completed:  Shared with DOTs and state advocacy groups for review
  • Press release template: Shared with DOTs and state advocacy organizations a few days before the release
  • Release of the ranking and report cards

I'd like to know more about historical rankings, how can I learn about past surveys, past scoring approaches, and changes over time?

This spreadsheet shows the answers and scores for the state of Michigan between 2013 and 2015. It also shows the distribution of scores for all states in those years and the score needed to obtain a certain ranking in those years.

I need help completing the survey, what should I do? 

Contact ken@bikeleague.org if you have any questions